Crossnet Annual Report
March 2017
This year saw a very welcome development in the forming a great EXEC TEAM to lead Crossnet with responsibilities nicely divided up and everything now, I think, covered well. I want to begin by thanking Sarah, Karen, Harry, and Jake for their contributions and enthusiasm for serving and for being such a great team. They all bring different skills and help and Crossnet would not run without them.
Nick and I have now fully transitioned into different roles at Crossnet, with me taking a formal lead at The Gathering and Nick overseeing the teaching and preaching programme at Crossnet, including developing training opportunities. I think this, by and large, has gone well, apart from a few hiccups over my time in hospital and my Dad’s death where communications and responsibilities unravelled a bit.
We’re on more of an even keel now.
Nick’s ability to step back and delegate to others is exceptional and will, I think, bear a lot of fruit in terms of enabling others to flourish at Crossnet so I want to thank him for that.
Singling out various aspects of what we do, here are my comments on our activities and ministries at Crossnet.
This I believe is going well. We seem to get consistent comments that people appreciate the content of the talks and the opportunities for discussion and questions. I think this is one of our strongest ministries. I would still like to see us developing training opportunities on a more formal basis for those who would like to grow in the teaching/preaching ministry. I hope that this happens in the future.
I think the recording of talks is okay, but may need some more organization as Jake has realized that our digital recorder is not very efficient. It has come to our attention that we do have people listening to the talks and appreciating them so I’d like to make sure that they are consistently being uploaded on to the website. What do we do if Jake is away? We need to answer that question.
We have moved from having one worship leader attending Crossnet to now having 5! This is so encouraging. In addition to this, the worship is so often a highlight of our time together where we sense God’s presence and draw near to him. Well done to our worship leaders. We look forward to more!
This is such a strong suit at Crossnet. Outsiders and visitors receive a really warm and genuine welcome. I feel very proud of our little community that everyone takes this on as a ministry and does it so well.
Our practice of blessing newcomers and visitors with prayer and encouraging prophetic words is wonderful. God is blessing this even to the point where we saw Saul giving his life to Jesus following prayer and prophecy at Crossnet.
It reminded us all of 1 Cor 14:24-25.
God is really among us!
We do focus a lot on how we can be a community that ‘images’ God to those outside and how we can tell others about Jesus. I’m happy that we have an outward-looking and missionary culture. I think it’s realistic for us not to try and do a lot ‘together’ given our lives and work. Instead, I think we have a community where all are encouraged to reach out in their places of work and life, and we seem to hear many, many encouraging stories from week to week.
It can sometimes seem like developments are slow at Crossnet, but if we look back to a year ago, much has changed and developed. I’m satisfied that our vision for Crossnet is being fulfilled. People are encountering God, hearing scripture taught well, growing in discipleship and being supported in mission. Visitors are warmly welcomed, and consistently remark that they are overwhelmed by the authenticity of what they encounter. This is truly wonderful.
Finally, I want to thank God very deeply for the privilege of leading such a vibrant and dynamic community, and for the fun that we all have together.
Lucy Peppiatt Crawley
March 2017
This year saw a very welcome development in the forming a great EXEC TEAM to lead Crossnet with responsibilities nicely divided up and everything now, I think, covered well. I want to begin by thanking Sarah, Karen, Harry, and Jake for their contributions and enthusiasm for serving and for being such a great team. They all bring different skills and help and Crossnet would not run without them.
Nick and I have now fully transitioned into different roles at Crossnet, with me taking a formal lead at The Gathering and Nick overseeing the teaching and preaching programme at Crossnet, including developing training opportunities. I think this, by and large, has gone well, apart from a few hiccups over my time in hospital and my Dad’s death where communications and responsibilities unravelled a bit.
We’re on more of an even keel now.
Nick’s ability to step back and delegate to others is exceptional and will, I think, bear a lot of fruit in terms of enabling others to flourish at Crossnet so I want to thank him for that.
Singling out various aspects of what we do, here are my comments on our activities and ministries at Crossnet.
This I believe is going well. We seem to get consistent comments that people appreciate the content of the talks and the opportunities for discussion and questions. I think this is one of our strongest ministries. I would still like to see us developing training opportunities on a more formal basis for those who would like to grow in the teaching/preaching ministry. I hope that this happens in the future.
I think the recording of talks is okay, but may need some more organization as Jake has realized that our digital recorder is not very efficient. It has come to our attention that we do have people listening to the talks and appreciating them so I’d like to make sure that they are consistently being uploaded on to the website. What do we do if Jake is away? We need to answer that question.
We have moved from having one worship leader attending Crossnet to now having 5! This is so encouraging. In addition to this, the worship is so often a highlight of our time together where we sense God’s presence and draw near to him. Well done to our worship leaders. We look forward to more!
This is such a strong suit at Crossnet. Outsiders and visitors receive a really warm and genuine welcome. I feel very proud of our little community that everyone takes this on as a ministry and does it so well.
Our practice of blessing newcomers and visitors with prayer and encouraging prophetic words is wonderful. God is blessing this even to the point where we saw Saul giving his life to Jesus following prayer and prophecy at Crossnet.
It reminded us all of 1 Cor 14:24-25.
God is really among us!
We do focus a lot on how we can be a community that ‘images’ God to those outside and how we can tell others about Jesus. I’m happy that we have an outward-looking and missionary culture. I think it’s realistic for us not to try and do a lot ‘together’ given our lives and work. Instead, I think we have a community where all are encouraged to reach out in their places of work and life, and we seem to hear many, many encouraging stories from week to week.
It can sometimes seem like developments are slow at Crossnet, but if we look back to a year ago, much has changed and developed. I’m satisfied that our vision for Crossnet is being fulfilled. People are encountering God, hearing scripture taught well, growing in discipleship and being supported in mission. Visitors are warmly welcomed, and consistently remark that they are overwhelmed by the authenticity of what they encounter. This is truly wonderful.
Finally, I want to thank God very deeply for the privilege of leading such a vibrant and dynamic community, and for the fun that we all have together.
Lucy Peppiatt Crawley