2019 – AGM – Crossnet
Report by Reverend Nick Crawley
Since the AGM in April 2018 Crossnet has continued to operate as a hub for discipleship focussed around the weekly 5.00pm Sunday Gathering. With a membership of around 20-25 people and an average attendance of around 10 people. Crossnet provides a platform for leaders involved in a cross-section of different work and ministries, several of which are pioneering ministries.
During the last year the following developments took place.
One of the features of 2018 was the large number of guests and visitors to our Sunday Gatherings. In addition to the 23 people who attended three or more Gatherings, 30 other people visited Crossnet. We made a point of treating all our guests as special and almost all of these will have received prayer ministry and a prophetic words.
In 2018 we continued our series through Luke and Acts. In the autumn we studied a series entitled ‘key moments of discipleship in the Old Testament’, and in January 2019 began a series preaching through Romans.
Jake & Beth Spencer ran a Homegroup and invited Crossnet members and guests from outside the church
In October 2018 we moved The Gathering from 27 Carnarvon Road to Convivio in Cotham Hill.
In October 2018 about 6 members attended the ‘24/7’ prayer conference in Vienna. As a result we have a weekly time of intercession for Crossnet’s ministry. We also host a once a month Prayer time on ‘What’s App’.
Crossnet helped sponsor two of our members on a mission trip to Tanzania.
In December we hosted a 48 hour break in the New Forrest where two prophetic people from the Central London Filling Station ministered to us.
But perhaps the most important development has been the start of ‘Crossnet London’ by previous members of Crossnet. Crossnet London began meeting in February 2019 under the leadership of Caitlin and Josh Heslop and Kate Hames. Either Lucy or me visit them each month and we shall watch this space with considerable interest.
Once again, I end with special thanks; to Andrew Wood for auditing the Accounts, to the Diocesan Authorities for their patience and encouragement and long term support, to all those who support us financially and in prayer, and especially to our members. But above all we thank the Lord for His faithfulness and grace.
Reverend Nick Crawley
17th March 2019
Report by Reverend Nick Crawley
Since the AGM in April 2018 Crossnet has continued to operate as a hub for discipleship focussed around the weekly 5.00pm Sunday Gathering. With a membership of around 20-25 people and an average attendance of around 10 people. Crossnet provides a platform for leaders involved in a cross-section of different work and ministries, several of which are pioneering ministries.
During the last year the following developments took place.
One of the features of 2018 was the large number of guests and visitors to our Sunday Gatherings. In addition to the 23 people who attended three or more Gatherings, 30 other people visited Crossnet. We made a point of treating all our guests as special and almost all of these will have received prayer ministry and a prophetic words.
In 2018 we continued our series through Luke and Acts. In the autumn we studied a series entitled ‘key moments of discipleship in the Old Testament’, and in January 2019 began a series preaching through Romans.
Jake & Beth Spencer ran a Homegroup and invited Crossnet members and guests from outside the church
In October 2018 we moved The Gathering from 27 Carnarvon Road to Convivio in Cotham Hill.
In October 2018 about 6 members attended the ‘24/7’ prayer conference in Vienna. As a result we have a weekly time of intercession for Crossnet’s ministry. We also host a once a month Prayer time on ‘What’s App’.
Crossnet helped sponsor two of our members on a mission trip to Tanzania.
In December we hosted a 48 hour break in the New Forrest where two prophetic people from the Central London Filling Station ministered to us.
But perhaps the most important development has been the start of ‘Crossnet London’ by previous members of Crossnet. Crossnet London began meeting in February 2019 under the leadership of Caitlin and Josh Heslop and Kate Hames. Either Lucy or me visit them each month and we shall watch this space with considerable interest.
Once again, I end with special thanks; to Andrew Wood for auditing the Accounts, to the Diocesan Authorities for their patience and encouragement and long term support, to all those who support us financially and in prayer, and especially to our members. But above all we thank the Lord for His faithfulness and grace.
Reverend Nick Crawley
17th March 2019